#################################################################################### INSTRUCTIONS FOR RUNNING extract_and_label.praat AND LABELING IN THE EDITOR: #################################################################################### 1. Open a wav file and a TextGrid file and select them in the Object List and run it (Ctrl-R) 2. Open extract_and_label.praat in Praat (Praat... Open Praat script...). 3. "Choose tasks..." window: - If you want to do something other than label tokens in the editor, choose another task. - If you have your settings in a config file, enter its name to load the settings automatically. - Click "OK" 4. "Options for your query" window: - Change the query settings as necessary. If you used a config file, you shouldn't need to change anything here. - Click "OK" 5. "Set your labeling parameters" window: - Log file name defaults to textrgrid name. - Labeling categories should be separated by spaces (and not contain spaces). - Enter your initials or something in "tabbed by", and click "OK". 6. "Label this token" window: - When the Editor opens up the first time, move and resize the windows the way you want them. - Use the Editor controls to replay, zoom, inspect, etc. - Choose the appropriate token label and confidence, enter any notes. - When you click "OK", the labels and everything else will be written to a .tab file and the script will advance to the next token. #################################################################################### INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAKING config files (and reference for parameter settings in the script): #################################################################################### Start with an example file like config_sample.txt and make small changes at first. All content lines have a variable name, an optional comment preceded by "#", and ";", which introduces the start of the value to be assigned to the variable. 1. Query options: - "preceding_context", "phones_to_match", and "following_context" accept lists of segments to search for, including any consonant or vowel transcription used by P2FA, or any of these wildcard denoting natural classes: CONSONANT, VOWEL, TENSE, LAX, HIGH, BACK, CENTRAL, FRONT, UNROUNDED, ROUNDED, DIPHTHONG, STRESSED, SECONDARY, UNSTRESSED, LABIAL, CORONAL, DORSAL, GLOTTAL, STOP, AFFRICATE, FRICATIVE, NASAL, LIQUID, GLIDE, SIBILANT, VOICELESS, VOICED, SONORANT, DENTAL, POSTALVEOLAR, ALVEOLAR, PALATAL, LABIODENTAL, BILABIAL, VELAR. Lists of segments or classes should be separated by spaces. When in doubt about wildcards, examine the handleWildcards procedure near the end of the script or enter a list of segments instead. - "words_to_match" accepts a list of words to match (separated by spaces). If any words are included, all other words will be ignored. - If "ignore_word_boundaries" is set to "0", segment matches are required to be in a single word. If it is set to "1", then segment strings will be matched even if they are in different words. - If "exclude_function_words" is set to "1", common function words (listed near the start of the script) will be excluded from matches. 2. Extraction parameters (for extracting matches as sound clips): - "path" is where sound files will be extracte to (if applicable). The default is a "sounds/" subdirectory of the current directory. - "extract_segments_only", if set to 1, will extract just the target segment. - "textgrid_phone_tier" and "textgrid_word_tier" are ordinarily 1 and 2, respectively, in TextGrids created by P2FA. - "pad" is how much extra time will be included before and after the target sound (defaults to 0.1 seconds) 3. General labeling parameters: - "name_of_log_file" can be set to a particular logfile name. The default is to use the textgrid name. - "labeling_categories" accepts a list of options to be used for labeling (separated by spaces) 4. Editor labeling parameters: - "play_automatically" determines how much sound plays automatically (from nothing up to seven words) - "tabbed_by" will supply values to the "Tabbed By" field in the .tab file. - "initial_zoom" determines how zoomed in the Editor window will be for each token. 5. Multiple Forced Choice experiment settings: - "repetitions" is how many times the coder/listener will hear each stimulus during the task. - "show_words" determines whether the coder/listener will see the text of the target word during the task. - "run_MFC_script" determines whether the task starts automatically after it is ready.